Vocabulary : Metier to Metonymic
Metier : Calling; vocation; business; trade.
Metif : Alt. of Metive
Meting : of Mete
Metis : Alt. of Metisse
Metisse : The offspring of a white person and an American Indian. ;; The offspring of a white person and a quadroon; an octoroon.
Metive : See Metis.
Metoche : The space between two dentils. ;; The space between two triglyphs.
Metol : A whitish soluble powder used as a developer in photography. Chemically, it is the sulphate of methyl-p-amino-m-cresol.
Metonic : Pertaining to, or discovered by, Meton, the Athenian.
Metonymic : Alt. of Metonymical
: Metonymical, Metonymy, Metope, Metopic, Metopomancy, Metoposcopic, Metoposcopical, Metoposcopist, Metoposcopy, Metosteon
: Methyl, Methylal, Methylamine, Methylate, Methylated, Methylene, Methylic, Methysticin, Metic, Meticulous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary