Vocabulary : Mi to Miasmatic
Mi : A syllable applied to the third tone of the scale of C, i. e., to E, in European solmization, but to the third tone of any scale in the American system.
Miamis : A tribe of Indians that formerly occupied the country between the Wabash and Maumee rivers.
Miargyrite : A mineral of an iron-black color, and very sectile, consisting principally of sulphur, antimony, and silver.
Mias : The orang-outang.
Miascite : A granitoid rock containing feldspar, biotite, elaeolite, and sodalite.
Miasm : Miasma.
Miasma : Infectious particles or germs floating in the air; air made noxious by the presence of such particles or germs; noxious effluvia; malaria.
Miasmal : Containing miasma; miasmatic.
Miasmata : of Miasma
Miasmatic : Alt. of Miasmatical
: Miasmatical, Miasmatist, Miasmology, Miaul, Miauled, Miauling, Mica, Micaceo-calcareous, Micaceous, Mice
: Mezzo-rilievo, Mezzo-soprano, Mezzotint, Mezzotinter, Mezzotinto, Mezzotintoed, Mezzotintoing, Mho, Mhometer, Mhorr
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary