Vocabulary : Miasmatical to Mice
Miasmatical : Containing, or relating to, miasma; caused by miasma; as, miasmatic diseases.
Miasmatist : One who has made a special study of miasma.
Miasmology : That department of medical science which treats of miasma.
Miaul : To cry as a cat; to mew; to caterwaul. ;; The crying of a cat.
Miauled : of Miaul
Miauling : of Miaul
Mica : The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in composition, and vary in color from pale brown or yellow to green or black. The transparent forms are used in lanterns, the doors of stoves, etc., being popularly called isinglass. Formerly called also cat-silver, and glimmer.
Micaceo-calcareous : Partaking of the nature of, or consisting of, mica and lime; -- applied to a mica schist containing carbonate of lime.
Micaceous : Pertaining to, or containing, mica; splitting into laminae or leaves like mica.
Mice : pl of Mouse. ;; of Mouse
: Micella, Micellae, Mich, Michaelmas, Miche, Micher, Michery, Miching, Mickle, Micmacs
: Mi, Miamis, Miargyrite, Mias, Miascite, Miasm, Miasma, Miasmal, Miasmata, Miasmatic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary