Vocabulary : Micella to Micmacs
Micella : A theoretical aggregation of molecules constituting a structural particle of protoplasm, capable of increase or diminution without change in chemical nature.
Micellae : of Micella
Mich : Alt. of Miche
Michaelmas : The feat of the archangel Michael, a church festival, celebrated on the 29th of September. Hence, colloquially, autumn.
Miche : To lie hid; to skulk; to act, or carry one's self, sneakingly.
Micher : One who skulks, or keeps out of sight; hence, a truant; an idler; a thief, etc.
Michery : Theft; cheating.
Miching : Hiding; skulking; cowardly.
Mickle : Much; great.
Micmacs : A tribe of Indians inhabiting Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
: Mico, Micr-, Micracoustic, Micraster, Micrencephalous, Micro-, Microampere, Microanalysis, Microbacteria, Microbarograph
: Miasmatical, Miasmatist, Miasmology, Miaul, Miauled, Miauling, Mica, Micaceo-calcareous, Micaceous, Mice
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary