Vocabulary : Micrographic to Micrological

Micrographic : Of or pertaining to micrography.
Micrography : The description of microscopic objects. ;; Examination or study by means of the microscope, as of an etched surface of metal to determine its structure.
Microhm : The millionth part of an ohm.
Microlepidoptera : A tribe of Lepidoptera, including a vast number of minute species, as the plume moth, clothes moth, etc.
Microlestes : An extinct genus of small Triassic mammals, the oldest yet found in European strata.
Microlite : A rare mineral of resinous luster and high specific gravity. It is a tantalate of calcium, and occurs in octahedral crystals usually very minute. ;; A minute inclosed crystal, often observed when minerals or rocks are examined in thin sections under the microscope.
Microlith : Same as Microlite, 2.
Microlithic : Formed of small stones.
Micrologic : Alt. of Micrological
Micrological : Of or pertaining to micrology; very minute; as, micrologic examination.
Next : Micrology, Micromere, Micrometer, Micrometric, Micrometrical, Micrometry, Micromillimeter, Micron, Micronesian, Micronesians
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