Vocabulary : Micrology to Micronesians
Micrology : That part of science which treats of microscopic objects, or depends on microscopic observation. ;; Attention to petty items or differences.
Micromere : One of the smaller cells, or blastomeres, resulting from the complete segmentation of a telolecithal ovum.
Micrometer : An instrument, used with a telescope or microscope, for measuring minute distances, or the apparent diameters of objects which subtend minute angles. The measurement given directly is that of the image of the object formed at the focus of the object glass.
Micrometric : Alt. of Micrometrical
Micrometrical : Belonging to micrometry; made by the micrometer.
Micrometry : The art of measuring with a micrometer.
Micromillimeter : The millionth part of a meter.
Micron : A measure of length; the thousandth part of one millimeter; the millionth part of a meter.
Micronesian : Of or pertaining to Micronesia, a collective designation of the islands in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, embracing the Marshall and Gilbert groups, the Ladrones, the Carolines, etc.
Micronesians : A dark race inhabiting the Micronesian Islands. They are supposed to be a mixed race, derived from Polynesians and Papuans.
: Micronometer, Microorganism, Micropantograph, Microparasite, Micropegmatite, Microphone, Microphonic, Microphonics, Microphonous, Microphotograph
: Micrographic, Micrography, Microhm, Microlepidoptera, Microlestes, Microlite, Microlith, Microlithic, Micrologic, Micrological
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary