Vocabulary : Micronometer to Microphotograph
Micronometer : An instrument for noting minute portions of time.
Microorganism : Any microscopic form of life; -- particularly applied to bacteria and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious diseases.
Micropantograph : A kind of pantograph which produces copies microscopically minute.
Microparasite : A parasitic microorganism.
Micropegmatite : A rock showing under the microscope the structure of a graphic granite (pegmatite).
Microphone : An instrument for intensifying and making audible very feeble sounds. It produces its effects by the changes of intensity in an electric current, occasioned by the variations in the contact resistance of conducting bodies, especially of imperfect conductors, under the action of acoustic vibrations.
Microphonic : Of or pert. to a microphone; serving to intensify weak sounds.
Microphonics : The science which treats of the means of increasing the intensity of low or weak sounds, or of the microphone.
Microphonous : Serving to augment the intensity of weak sounds; microcoustic.
Microphotograph : A microscopically small photograph of a picture, writing, printed page, etc. ;; An enlarged representation of a microscopic object, produced by throwing upon a sensitive plate the magnified image of an object formed by a microscope or other suitable combination of lenses.
: Microphotography, Microphthalmia, Microphthalmy, Microphyllous, Microphytal, Microphyte, Micropyle, Microscopal, Microscope, Microscopial
: Micrology, Micromere, Micrometer, Micrometric, Micrometrical, Micrometry, Micromillimeter, Micron, Micronesian, Micronesians
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary