Vocabulary : Microtomist to Mid sea
Microtomist : One who is skilled in or practices microtomy.
Microtomy : The art of using the microtome; investigation carried on with the microtome.
Microvolt : A measure of electro-motive force; the millionth part of one volt.
Microweber : The millionth part of one weber.
Microzoa : The Infusoria.
Microzoospore : A small motile spore furnished with two vibratile cilia, found in certain green algae.
Microzyme : A microorganism which is supposed to act like a ferment in causing or propagating certain infectious or contagious diseases; a pathogenic bacterial organism.
Micturition : The act of voiding urine; also, a morbidly frequent passing of the urine, in consequence of disease.
Mid : Denoting the middle part; as, in mid ocean. ;; Occupying a middle position; middle; as, the mid finger; the mid hour of night. ;; Made with a somewhat elevated position of some certain part of the tongue, in relation to the palate; midway between the high and the low; -- said of certain vowel sounds; as, a (ale), / (/ll), / (/ld). See Guide to Pronunciation, // 10, 11. ;; Middle. ;; See Amid.
Mid sea : Alt. of Mid-sea
: Mida, Midas, Midas's ear, Midbrain, Midday, Midden, Midden crow, Middest, Middies, Midding
: Microspectroscope, Microsporangium, Microspore, Microsporic, Microsthene, Microsthenic, Microtasimeter, Microtome, Microtomic, Microtomical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary