Vocabulary : Mida to Midding
Mida : The larva of the bean fly.
Midas : A genus of longeared South American monkeys, including numerous species of marmosets. See Marmoset.
Midas's ear : A pulmonate mollusk (Auricula, / Ellobium, aurismidae); -- so called from resemblance to a human ear.
Midbrain : The middle segment of the brain; the mesencephalon. See Brain.
Midday : The middle part of the day; noon. ;; Of or pertaining to noon; meridional; as, the midday sun.
Midden : A dunghill. ;; An accumulation of refuse about a dwelling place; especially, an accumulation of shells or of cinders, bones, and other refuse on the supposed site of the dwelling places of prehistoric tribes, -- as on the shores of the Baltic Sea and in many other places. See Kitchen middens.
Midden crow : The common European crow.
Middest : Situated most nearly in the middle; middlemost; midmost. ;; Midst; middle.
Middies : of Middy
Midding : Same as Midden.
: Middle, Middle-age, Middle-aged, Middle-earth, Middle-ground, Middleman, Middlemen, Middlemost, Middler, Middling
: Microtomist, Microtomy, Microvolt, Microweber, Microzoa, Microzoospore, Microzyme, Micturition, Mid, Mid sea
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary