Vocabulary : Minuend to Minuteman

Minuend : The number from which another number is to be subtracted.
Minuet : A slow graceful dance consisting of a coupee, a high step, and a balance. ;; A tune or air to regulate the movements of the dance so called; a movement in suites, sonatas, symphonies, etc., having the dance form, and commonly in 3-4, sometimes 3-8, measure.
Minum : A small kind of printing type; minion. ;; A minim.
Minus : Less; requiring to be subtracted; negative; as, a minus quantity.
Minuscule : Any very small, minute object. ;; A small Roman letter which is neither capital nor uncial; a manuscript written in such letters. ;; Of the size and style of minuscules; written in minuscules.
Minutary : Pertaining to, or consisting of, minutes.
Minute : The sixtieth part of an hour; sixty seconds. (Abbrev. m.; as, 4 h. 30 m.) ;; The sixtieth part of a degree; sixty seconds (Marked thus ('); as, 10 20'). ;; A nautical or a geographic mile. ;; A coin; a half farthing. ;; A very small part of anything, or anything very small; a jot; a tittle. ;; A point of time; a moment. ;; The memorandum; a record; a note to preserve the memory of anything; as, to take minutes of a contract; to take minutes of a conversation or debate. ;; A fixed part of a module. See Module. ;; Of or pertaining to a minute or minutes; occurring at or marking successive minutes. ;; To set down a short sketch or note of; to jot down; to make a minute or a brief summary of. ;; Very small; little; tiny; fine; slight; slender; inconsiderable. ;; Attentive to small things; paying attention to details; critical; particular; precise; as, a minute observer; minute observation.
Minute-jack : A figure which strikes the hour on the bell of some fanciful clocks; -- called also jack of the clock house. ;; A timeserver; an inconstant person.
Minutely : In a minute manner; with minuteness; exactly; nicely. ;; Happening every minute; continuing; unceasing. ;; At intervals of a minute; very often and regularly.
Minuteman : A militiaman who was to be ready to march at a moment's notice; -- a term used in the American Revolution.
Next : Minutemen, Minuteness, Minutia, Minutiae, Minx, Miny, Minyan, Miocene, Miohippus, Miquelet
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