Vocabulary : Minutemen to Miquelet
Minutemen : of Minuteman
Minuteness : The quality of being minute.
Minutia : A minute particular; a small or minor detail; -- used chiefly in the plural.
Minutiae : of Minutia
Minx : A pert or a wanton girl. ;; A she puppy; a pet dog. ;; The mink; -- called also minx otter.
Miny : Abounding with mines; like a mine.
Minyan : A quorum, or number necessary, for conducting public worship.
Miocene : Of or pertaining to the middle division of the Tertiary. ;; The Miocene period. See Chart of Geology.
Miohippus : An extinct Miocene mammal of the Horse family, closely related to the genus Anhithecrium, and having three usable hoofs on each foot.
Miquelet : An irregular or partisan soldier; a bandit.
: Mir, Mira, Mirabilaries, Mirabilary, Mirabilis, Mirabilite, Mirable, Miracle, Miraculize, Miraculous
: Minuend, Minuet, Minum, Minus, Minuscule, Minutary, Minute, Minute-jack, Minutely, Minuteman
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary