Vocabulary : Misgye to Mishnic
Misgye : To misguide.
Mishandle : To handle ill or wrongly; to maltreat.
Mishap : Evil accident; ill luck; misfortune; mischance. ;; To happen unluckily; -- used impersonally.
Mishappen : To happen ill or unluckily.
Mishappy : Unhappy.
Mishcup : The scup.
Mishear : To hear incorrectly.
Mishmash : A hotchpotch.
Mishna : A collection or digest of Jewish traditions and explanations of Scripture, forming the text of the Talmud.
Mishnic : Of or pertaining to the Mishna.
: Misimagination, Misimprove, Misimprovement, Misincline, Misinfer, Misinform, Misinformant, Misinformation, Misinformer, Misinstruct
: Misgovernment, Misgracious, Misgraff, Misgraft, Misground, Misgrowth, Misguess, Misguidance, Misguide, Misguiding
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary