Vocabulary : Misimagination to Misinstruct
Misimagination : Wrong imagination; delusion.
Misimprove : To use for a bad purpose; to abuse; to misuse; as, to misimprove time, talents, advantages, etc.
Misimprovement : Ill use or employment; use for a bad purpose.
Misincline : To cause to have a wrong inclination or tendency; to affect wrongly.
Misinfer : To infer incorrectly.
Misinform : To give untrue information to; to inform wrongly. ;; To give untrue information; (with against) to calumniate.
Misinformant : A misinformer.
Misinformation : Untrue or incorrect information.
Misinformer : One who gives or incorrect information.
Misinstruct : To instruct amiss.
: Misinstruction, Misintelligence, Misintend, Misinterpret, Misinterpretable, Misinterpretation, Misinterpreter, Misjoin, Misjoinder, Misjudge
: Misgye, Mishandle, Mishap, Mishappen, Mishappy, Mishcup, Mishear, Mishmash, Mishna, Mishnic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary