Vocabulary : Mnemonics to Moan
Mnemonics : The art of memory; a system of precepts and rules intended to assist the memory; artificial memory.
Mnemosyne : The goddess of memory and the mother of the Muses.
Mnemotechny : Mnemonics.
Mo : More; -- usually, more in number.
Moa : Any one of several very large extinct species of wingless birds belonging to Dinornis, and other related genera, of the suborder Dinornithes, found in New Zealand. They are allied to the apteryx and the ostrich. They were probably exterminated by the natives before New Zealand was discovered by Europeans. Some species were much larger than the ostrich.
Moabite : One of the posterity of Moab, the son of Lot. (Gen. xix. 37.) Also used adjectively.
Moabite stone : A block of black basalt, found at Dibon in Moab by Rev. F. A. Klein, Aug. 19, 1868, which bears an inscription of thirty-four lines, dating from the 9th century b. c., and written in the Moabite alphabet, the oldest Phoenician type of the Semitic alphabet. It records the victories of Mesha, king of Moab, esp. those over Israel (2 Kings iii. 4, 5, 27).
Moabitess : A female Moabite.
Moabitish : Moabite.
Moan : To make a low prolonged sound of grief or pain, whether articulate or not; to groan softly and continuously. ;; To emit a sound like moan; -- said of things inanimate; as, the wind moans. ;; To bewail audibly; to lament. ;; To afflict; to distress. ;; A low prolonged sound, articulate or not, indicative of pain or of grief; a low groan. ;; A low mournful or murmuring sound; -- of things.
: Moaned, Moanful, Moaning, Moat, Moate, Mob, Mobbed, Mobbing, Mobbish, Mobcap
: Mizzen, Mizzenmast, Mizzle, Mizzled, Mizzling, Mizzy, M'-Naught, Mnemonic, Mnemonical, Mnemonician
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