Vocabulary : Moaned to Mobcap

Moaned : of Moan
Moanful : Full of moaning; expressing sorrow.
Moaning : of Moan
Moat : A deep trench around the rampart of a castle or other fortified place, sometimes filled with water; a ditch. ;; To surround with a moat.
Moate : To void the excrement, as a bird; to mute.
Mob : A mobcap. ;; To wrap up in, or cover with, a cowl. ;; The lower classes of a community; the populace, or the lowest part of it. ;; A throng; a rabble; esp., an unlawful or riotous assembly; a disorderly crowd. ;; To crowd about, as a mob, and attack or annoy; as, to mob a house or a person.
Mobbed : of Mob
Mobbing : of Mob
Mobbish : Like a mob; tumultuous; lawless; as, a mobbish act.
Mobcap : A plain cap or headdress for women or girls; especially, one tying under the chin by a very broad band, generally of the same material as the cap itself.
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