Vocabulary : Mohur to Moiling

Mohur : A British Indian gold coin, of the value of fifteen silver rupees, or $7.21.
Mohurrum : Alt. of Muharram
Moider : To toil.
Moidore : A gold coin of Portugal, valued at about 27s. sterling.
Moieties : of Moiety
Moiety : One of two equal parts; a half; as, a moiety of an estate, of goods, or of profits; the moiety of a jury, or of a nation. ;; An indefinite part; a small part.
Moil : To daub; to make dirty; to soil; to defile. ;; To soil one's self with severe labor; to work with painful effort; to labor; to toil; to drudge. ;; A spot; a defilement.
Moile : A kind of high shoe anciently worn.
Moiled : of Moil
Moiling : of Moil
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