Vocabulary : Moineau to Moistener

Moineau : A small flat bastion, raised in the middle of an overlong curtain.
Moira : The deity who assigns to every man his lot.
Moire : Originally, a fine textile fabric made of the hair of an Asiatic goat; afterwards, any textile fabric to which a watered appearance is given in the process of calendering. ;; A watered, clouded, or frosted appearance produced upon either textile fabrics or metallic surfaces. ;; Watered; having a watered or clouded appearance; -- as of silk or metals. ;; A watered, clouded, or frosted appearance on textile fabrics or metallic surfaces. ;; Erroneously, moire, the fabric. ;; To give a watered or clouded appearance to (a surface).
Moire metallique : A crystalline or frosted appearance produced by some acids on tin plate; also, the tin plate thus treated.
Moireed : of Moire
Moireeing : of Moire
Moist : Moderately wet; damp; humid; not dry; as, a moist atmosphere or air. ;; Fresh, or new. ;; To moisten.
Moisten : To make damp; to wet in a small degree. ;; To soften by making moist; to make tender.
Moistened : of Moisten
Moistener : One who, or that which, moistens.
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