Vocabulary : Monodelphic to Monodrame
Monodelphic : Alt. of Monodelphous
Monodelphous : Of or pertaining to the Monodelphia.
Monodic : Alt. of Monodical
Monodical : Belonging to a monody. ;; For one voice; monophonic. ;; Homophonic; -- applied to music in which the melody is confined to one part, instead of being shared by all the parts as in the style called polyphonic.
Monodies : of Monody
Monodimetric : Dimetric.
Monodist : A writer of a monody.
Monodrama : Alt. of Monodrame
Monodramatic : Pertaining to a monodrama.
Monodrame : A drama acted, or intended to be acted, by a single person.
: Monody, Monodynamic, Monodynamism, Monoecia, Monoecian, Monoecious, Monoecism, Monogam, Monogamia, Monogamian
: Monocrotic, Monocrotism, Monocular, Monocule, Monoculous, Monocystic, Monodactylous, Monodelph, Monodelphia, Monodelphian
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary