Vocabulary : Monody to Monogamian
Monody : A species of poem of a mournful character, in which a single mourner expresses lamentation; a song for one voice.
Monodynamic : Possessing but one capacity or power.
Monodynamism : The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force.
Monoecia : A Linnaean class of plants, whose stamens and pistils are in distinct flowers in the same plant.
Monoecian : Of or pertaining to the Monoecia; monoecious. ;; One of the Monoecia. ;; A monoecious animal, as certain mollusks.
Monoecious : Having the sexes united in one individual, as when male and female flowers grow upon the same individual plant; hermaphrodite; -- opposed to dioecious.
Monoecism : The state or condition of being monoecious.
Monogam : One of the Monogamia.
Monogamia : A Linnaean order of plants, having solitary flowers with united anthers, as in the genus Lobelia.
Monogamian : Alt. of Monogamic
: Monogamic, Monogamist, Monogamous, Monogamy, Monogastric, Monogenesis, Monogenetic, Monogenic, Monogenism, Monogenist
: Monodelphic, Monodelphous, Monodic, Monodical, Monodies, Monodimetric, Monodist, Monodrama, Monodramatic, Monodrame
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary