Vocabulary : Monogenistic to Monograph

Monogenistic : Monogenic.
Monogenous : Of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction.
Monogeny : Monogenesis. ;; The doctrine that the members of the human race have all a common origin.
Monogoneutic : Having but one brood in a season.
Monogram : A character or cipher composed of two or more letters interwoven or combined so as to represent a name, or a part of it (usually the initials). Monograms are often used on seals, ornamental pins, rings, buttons, and by painters, engravers, etc., to distinguish their works. ;; A picture in lines; a sketch. ;; An arbitrary sign for a word.
Monogrammal : See Monogrammic.
Monogrammatic : Monogrammic.
Monogrammic : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a monogram.
Monogrammous : Monogrammic.
Monograph : A written account or description of a single thing, or class of things; a special treatise on a particular subject of limited range.
Next : Monographer, Monographic, Monographical, Monographist, Monographous, Monography, Monogyn, Monogynia, Monogynian, Monogynous
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