Vocabulary : Monographer to Monogynous
Monographer : A writer of a monograph.
Monographic : Alt. of Monographical
Monographical : Of or pertaining to a monograph, or to a monography; as, a monographic writing; a monographic picture.
Monographist : One who writes a monograph.
Monographous : Monographic.
Monography : Representation by lines without color; an outline drawing. ;; A monograph.
Monogyn : One of the Monogynia.
Monogynia : A Linnaean order of plants, including those which have only one style or stigma.
Monogynian : Pertaining to the Monogynia; monogynous. ;; One of the Monogynia.
Monogynous : Of or pertaining to Monogynia; having only one style or stigma.
: Monogyny, Monohemerous, Monoicous, Monolatry, Monolith, Monolithal, Monolithic, Monologist, Monologue, Monology
: Monogenistic, Monogenous, Monogeny, Monogoneutic, Monogram, Monogrammal, Monogrammatic, Monogrammic, Monogrammous, Monograph
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary