Vocabulary : Monomachia to Monometallic
Monomachia : Alt. of Monomachy
Monomachist : One who fights in single combat; a duelist.
Monomachy : A duel; single combat.
Monomane : A monomaniac.
Monomania : Derangement of the mind in regard of a single subject only; also, such a concentration of interest upon one particular subject or train of ideas to show mental derangement.
Monomaniac : A person affected by monomania. ;; Alt. of Monomaniacal
Monomaniacal : Affected with monomania, or partial derangement of intellect; caused by, or resulting from, monomania; as, a monomaniacal delusion.
Monome : A monomial.
Monomerous : Composed of solitary parts, as a flower with one sepal, one petal, one stamen, and one pistil. ;; Having but one joint; -- said of the foot of certain insects.
Monometallic : Consisting of one metal; of or pertaining to monometallism.
: Monometallism, Monometallist, Monometer, Monometric, Monomial, Monomorphic, Monomorphous, Monomphalus, Monomya, Monomyaria
: Monogyny, Monohemerous, Monoicous, Monolatry, Monolith, Monolithal, Monolithic, Monologist, Monologue, Monology
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary