Vocabulary : Monometallism to Monomyaria
Monometallism : The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money values. See Bimetallism.
Monometallist : One who believes in monometallism as opposed to bimetallism, etc.
Monometer : A rhythmic series, consisting of a single meter.
Monometric : Same as Isometric.
Monomial : A single algebraic expression; that is, an expression unconnected with any other by the sign of addition, substraction, equality, or inequality. ;; Consisting of but a single term or expression.
Monomorphic : Alt. of Monomorphous
Monomorphous : Having but a single form; retaining the same form throughout the various stages of development; of the same or of an essentially similar type of structure; -- opposed to dimorphic, trimorphic, and polymorphic.
Monomphalus : A form of double monster, in which two individuals are united by a common umbilicus.
Monomya : Alt. of Monomyaria
Monomyaria : An order of lamellibranchs having but one muscle for closing the shell, as the oyster.
: Monomyarian, Monomyary, Mononomial, Monoousian, Monoousious, Monopathy, Monopersonal, Monopetalous, Monophanous, Monophonic
: Monomachia, Monomachist, Monomachy, Monomane, Monomania, Monomaniac, Monomaniacal, Monome, Monomerous, Monometallic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary