Vocabulary : Monomyarian to Monophonic

Monomyarian : Alt. of Monomyary
Monomyary : Of or pertaining to the Monomya. ;; One of the Monomya.
Mononomial : Monomyal.
Monoousian : Alt. of Monoousious
Monoousious : Having but one and the same nature or essence.
Monopathy : Suffering or sensibility in a single organ or function.
Monopersonal : Having but one person, or form of existence.
Monopetalous : Having only one petal, or the corolla in one piece, or composed of petals cohering so as to form a tube or bowl; gamopetalous.
Monophanous : Having one and the same appearance; having a mutual resemblance.
Monophonic : Single-voiced; having but one part; as, a monophonic composition; -- opposed to polyphonic.
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