Vocabulary : Mormonite to Morocco

Mormonite : A Mormon. ;; Mormon.
Morn : The first part of the day; the morning; -- used chiefly in poetry.
Morne : Of or pertaining to the morn; morning. ;; A ring fitted upon the head of a lance to prevent wounding an adversary in tilting. ;; Without teeth, tongue, or claws; -- said of a lion represented heraldically. ;; The first or early part of the day, variously understood as the earliest hours of light, the time near sunrise; the time from midnight to noon, from rising to noon, etc. ;; The first or early part; as, the morning of life. ;; The goddess Aurora.
Morning : Pertaining to the first part or early part of the day; being in the early part of the day; as, morning dew; morning light; morning service.
Morning-glory : A climbing plant (Ipomoea purpurea) having handsome, funnel-shaped flowers, usually red, pink, purple, white, or variegated, sometimes pale blue. See Dextrorsal.
Morningtide : Morning time.
Mornward : Towards the morn.
Moro : A small abscess or tumor having a resemblance to a mulberry.
Moroccan : Of or pertaining to Morocco, or its inhabitants.
Morocco : A fine kind of leather, prepared commonly from goatskin (though an inferior kind is made of sheepskin), and tanned with sumac and dyed of various colors; -- said to have been first made by the Moors.
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