Vocabulary : Morology to Moroshop

Morology : Foolish talk; nonsense; folly.
Moron : A person whose intellectual development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no further development. ;; An inferior olive size having a woody pulp and a large clingstone pit, growing in the mountainous and high-valley districts around the city of Moron, in Spain.
Morone : Maroon; the color of an unripe black mulberry.
Morones : of Moron
Moros : The Mohammedan tribes of the southern Philippine Islands, said to have formerly migrated from Borneo. Some of them are warlike and addicted to piracy.
Morosaurus : An extinct genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs, found in Jurassic strata in America.
Morose : Of a sour temper; sullen and austere; ill-humored; severe. ;; Lascivious; brooding over evil thoughts.
Morosely : Sourly; with sullen austerity.
Moroseness : Sourness of temper; sulenness.
Moroshop : A philosophical or learned fool.
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