Vocabulary : Morro to Morsure
Morro : A round hill or point of land; hence, Morro castle, a castle on a hill.
Morrot : See Marrot.
Morrow : Morning. ;; The next following day; the day subsequent to any day specified or understood. ;; The day following the present; to-morrow.
Morse : The walrus. See Walrus. ;; A clasp for fastening garments in front.
Morse alphabet : A telegraphic alphabet in very general use, inventing by Samuel F.B.Morse, the inventor of Morse's telegraph. The letters are represented by dots and dashes impressed or printed on paper, as, .- (A), - . . . (B), -.. (D), . (E), .. (O), . . . (R), -- (T), etc., or by sounds, flashes of light, etc., with greater or less intervals between them.
Morse code : The telegraphic code, consisting of dots, dashes, and spaces, invented by Samuel B. Morse. The Alphabetic code which is in use in North America is given below. In length, or duration, one dash is theoretically equal to three dots; the space between the elements of a letter is equal to one dot; the interval in spaced letters, as O . ., is equal to three dots. There are no spaces in any letter composed wholly or in part of dashes.
Morsel : A little bite or bit of food. ;; A small quantity; a little piece; a fragment.
Morsing horn : A horn or flask for holding powder, as for priming.
Morsitation : The act of biting or gnawing.
Morsure : The act of biting.
: Mort, Mortal, Mortality, Mortalize, Mortalized, Mortalizing, Mortally, Mortalness, Mortar, Mortgage
: Morphophyly, Morphosis, Morphotic, Morpion, Morrice, Morricer, Morrimal, Morris, Morris-chair, Morris-pike
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary