Vocabulary : Mort to Mortgage
Mort : A great quantity or number. ;; A woman; a female. ;; A salmon in its third year. ;; Death; esp., the death of game in the chase. ;; A note or series of notes sounded on a horn at the death of game. ;; The skin of a sheep or lamb that has died of disease. ;; A variety of dummy whist for three players; also, the exposed or dummy hand in this game.
Mortal : Subject to death; destined to die; as, man is mortal. ;; Destructive to life; causing or occasioning death; terminating life; exposing to or deserving death; deadly; as, a mortal wound; a mortal sin. ;; Fatally vulnerable; vital. ;; Of or pertaining to the time of death. ;; Affecting as if with power to kill; deathly. ;; Human; belonging to man, who is mortal; as, mortal wit or knowledge; mortal power. ;; Very painful or tedious; wearisome; as, a sermon lasting two mortal hours. ;; A being subject to death; a human being; man.
Mortality : The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying. ;; Human life; the life of a mortal being. ;; Those who are, or that which is, mortal; the human cace; humanity; human nature. ;; Death; destruction. ;; The whole sum or number of deaths in a given time or a given community; also, the proportion of deaths to population, or to a specific number of the population; death rate; as, a time of great, or low, mortality; the mortality among the settlers was alarming.
Mortalize : To make mortal.
Mortalized : of Mortalize
Mortalizing : of Mortalize
Mortally : In a mortal manner; so as to cause death; as, mortally wounded. ;; In the manner of a mortal or of mortal beings. ;; In an extreme degree; to the point of dying or causing death; desperately; as, mortally jealous.
Mortalness : Quality of being mortal; mortality.
Mortar : A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle. ;; A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs, carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as 45, and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance in shape to the utensil above described. ;; A building material made by mixing lime, cement, or plaster of Paris, with sand, water, and sometimes other materials; -- used in masonry for joining stones, bricks, etc., also for plastering, and in other ways. ;; To plaster or make fast with mortar. ;; A chamber lamp or light.
Mortgage : A conveyance of property, upon condition, as security for the payment of a debt or the preformance of a duty, and to become void upon payment or performance according to the stipulated terms; also, the written instrument by which the conveyance is made. ;; State of being pledged; as, lands given in mortgage. ;; To grant or convey, as property, for the security of a debt, or other engagement, upon a condition that if the debt or engagement shall be discharged according to the contract, the conveyance shall be void, otherwise to become absolute, subject, however, to the right of redemption. ;; Hence: To pledge, either literally or figuratively; to make subject to a claim or obligation.
: Mortgaged, Mortgagee, Mortgageor, Mortgager, Mortgaging, Mortgagor, Mortiferous, Mortification, Mortified, Mortifiedness
: Morro, Morrot, Morrow, Morse, Morse alphabet, Morse code, Morsel, Morsing horn, Morsitation, Morsure
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary