Vocabulary : Moule to Mound

Moule : To contract mold; to grow moldy; to mold.
Mouline : Alt. of Moulinet
Moulinet : The drum upon which the rope is wound in a capstan, crane, or the like. ;; A machine formerly used for bending a crossbow by winding it up. ;; In sword and saber exercises, a circular swing of the weapon.
Moult : To shed or cast the hair, feathers, skin, horns, or the like, as an animal or a bird. ;; To cast, as the hair, skin, feathers, or the like; to shed. ;; The act or process of changing the feathers, hair, skin, etc.; molting. ;; See Molt.
Moulted : of Moult
Moulten : Having molted.
Moulting : of Moult
Moun : pl. of Mow, may. ;; of Mow
Mounch : To munch.
Mound : A ball or globe forming part of the regalia of an emperor or other sovereign. It is encircled with bands, enriched with precious stones, and surmounted with a cross; -- called also globe. ;; An artificial hill or elevation of earth; a raised bank; an embarkment thrown up for defense; a bulwark; a rampart; also, a natural elevation appearing as if thrown up artificially; a regular and isolated hill, hillock, or knoll. ;; To fortify or inclose with a mound.
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