Vocabulary : Mounded to Mountainet
Mounded : of MoundMounding : of Mound
Mount : A mass of earth, or earth and rock, rising considerably above the common surface of the surrounding land; a mountain; a high hill; -- used always instead of mountain, when put before a proper name; as, Mount Washington; otherwise, chiefly in poetry. ;; A bulwark for offense or defense; a mound. ;; A bank; a fund. ;; To rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; -- often with up. ;; To get up on anything, as a platform or scaffold; especially, to seat one's self on a horse for riding. ;; To attain in value; to amount. ;; To get upon; to ascend; to climb. ;; To place one's self on, as a horse or other animal, or anything that one sits upon; to bestride. ;; To cause to mount; to put on horseback; to furnish with animals for riding; to furnish with horses. ;; Hence: To put upon anything that sustains and fits for use, as a gun on a carriage, a map or picture on cloth or paper; to prepare for being worn or otherwise used, as a diamond by setting, or a sword blade by adding the h
Mountable : Such as can be mounted.
Mountain : A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land; earth and rock forming an isolated peak or a ridge; an eminence higher than a hill; a mount. ;; A range, chain, or group of such elevations; as, the White Mountains. ;; A mountainlike mass; something of great bulk. ;; Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains; among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines; mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer. ;; Like a mountain; mountainous; vast; very great.