Vocabulary : Mounter to Mournful
Mounter : One who mounts. ;; An animal mounted; a monture.
Mounting : of Mount ;; The act of one that mounts. ;; That by which anything is prepared for use, or set off to advantage; equipment; embellishment; setting; as, the mounting of a sword or diamond. ;; = Carriage.
Mountingly : In an ascending manner.
Mountlet : A small or low mountain.
Mounty : The rise of a hawk after prey.
Mourn : To express or to feel grief or sorrow; to grieve; to be sorrowful; to lament; to be in a state of grief or sadness. ;; To wear the customary garb of a mourner. ;; To grieve for; to lament; to deplore; to bemoan; to bewail. ;; To utter in a mournful manner or voice.
Mourne : The armed or feruled end of a staff; in a sheephook, the end of the staff to which the hook is attached.
Mourned : of Mourn
Mourner : One who mourns or is grieved at any misfortune, as the death of a friend. ;; One who attends a funeral as a hired mourner.
Mournful : Full of sorrow; expressing, or intended to express, sorrow; mourning; grieving; sad; also, causing sorrow; saddening; grievous; as, a mournful person; mournful looks, tones, loss.
: Mourning, Mourningly, Mournival, Mouse, Moused, Mouse-ear, Mousefish, Mousehole, Mousekin, Mouser
: Mountainous, Mountainousness, Mountance, Mountant, Mountebank, Mountebankery, Mountebankish, Mountebankism, Mounted, Mountenaunce
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary