Vocabulary : Mountainous to Mountenaunce

Mountainous : Full of, or containing, mountains; as, the mountainous country of the Swiss. ;; Inhabiting mountains. ;; Large as, or resembling, a mountain; huge; of great bulk; as, a mountainous heap.
Mountainousness : The state or quality of being mountainous.
Mountance : Amount; sum; quantity; extent.
Mountant : Raised; high.
Mountebank : One who mounts a bench or stage in the market or other public place, boasts of his skill in curing diseases, and vends medicines which he pretends are infalliable remedies; a quack doctor. ;; Any boastful or false pretender; a charlatan; a quack. ;; To cheat by boasting and false pretenses; to gull. ;; To play the mountebank.
Mountebankery : The practices of a mountebank; quackery; boastful and vain pretenses.
Mountebankish : Like a mountebank or his quackery.
Mountebankism : The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.
Mounted : of Mount ;; Seated or serving on horseback or similarly; as, mounted police; mounted infantry. ;; Placed on a suitable support, or fixed in a setting; as, a mounted gun; a mounted map; a mounted gem.
Mountenaunce : Mountance.
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