Vocabulary : Mulctary to Muley

Mulctary : Alt. of Mulctuary
Mulcted : of Mulct
Mulcting : of Mulct
Mulctuary : Imposing a pecuniary penalty; consisting of, or paid as, a fine.
Mule : A hybrid animal; specifically, one generated between an ass and a mare, sometimes a horse and a she-ass. See Hinny. ;; A plant or vegetable produced by impregnating the pistil of one species with the pollen or fecundating dust of another; -- called also hybrid. ;; A very stubborn person. ;; A machine, used in factories, for spinning cotton, wool, etc., into yarn or thread and winding it into cops; -- called also jenny and mule-jenny.
Mule killer : Any of several arthropods erroneously supposed to kill live stock, in the southern United States, by stinging or by being swallowed; ;; A whip scorpion. ;; A walking-stick insect. ;; A mantis. ;; A wheel bug.
Mule-jenny : See Mule, 4.
Muleteer : One who drives mules.
Mulewort : A fern of the genus Hemionitis.
Muley : A stiff, long saw, guided at the ends but not stretched in a gate. ;; See Mulley.
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