Vocabulary : Muliebrity to Mullagatawny
Muliebrity : The state of being a woman or of possessing full womanly powers; womanhood; -- correlate of virility. ;; Hence: Effeminancy; softness.
Mulier : A woman. ;; Lawful issue born in wedlock, in distinction from an elder brother born of the same parents before their marriage; a lawful son. ;; A woman; a wife; a mother.
Mulierly : In the manner or condition of a mulier; in wedlock; legitimately.
Mulierose : Fond of woman.
Mulierosity : A fondness for women.
Mulierty : Condition of being a mulier; position of one born in lawful wedlock.
Mulish : Like a mule; sullen; stubborn.
Mull : A thin, soft kind of muslin. ;; A promontory; as, the Mull of Cantyre. ;; A snuffbox made of the small end of a horn. ;; Dirt; rubbish. ;; To powder; to pulverize. ;; To work (over) mentally; to cogitate; to ruminate; -- usually with over; as, to mull over a thought or a problem. ;; An inferior kind of madder prepared from the smaller roots or the peelings and refuse of the larger. ;; To heat, sweeten, and enrich with spices; as, to mull wine. ;; To dispirit or deaden; to dull or blunt.
Mulla : Same as Mollah.
Mullagatawny : An East Indian curry soup.
: Mullah, Mullar, Mulled, Mullein, Mullen, Muller, Mullerian, Mullet, Mulley, Mulligatawny
: Mulctary, Mulcted, Mulcting, Mulctuary, Mule, Mule killer, Mule-jenny, Muleteer, Mulewort, Muley
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary