Vocabulary : Mullah to Mulligatawny

Mullah : See Mollah.
Mullar : A die, cut in intaglio, for stamping an ornament in relief, as upon metal.
Mulled : of Mull
Mullein : Any plant of the genus Verbascum. They are tall herbs having coarse leaves, and large flowers in dense spikes. The common species, with densely woolly leaves, is Verbascum Thapsus.
Mullen : See Mullein.
Muller : One who, or that which, mulls. ;; A vessel in which wine, etc., is mulled over a fire. ;; A stone or thick lump of glass, or kind of pestle, flat at the bottom, used for grinding pigments or drugs, etc., upon a slab of similar material.
Mullerian : Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Johannes Muller.
Mullet : Any one of numerous fishes of the genus Mugil; -- called also gray mullets. They are found on the coasts of both continents, and are highly esteemed as food. Among the most valuable species are Mugil capito of Europe, and M. cephalus which occurs both on the European and American coasts. ;; Any species of the genus Mullus, or family Mullidae; called also red mullet, and surmullet, esp. the plain surmullet (Mullus barbatus), and the striped surmullet (M. surmulletus) of Southern Europe. The former is the mullet of the Romans. It is noted for the brilliancy of its colors. See Surmullet. ;; A star, usually five pointed and pierced; -- when used as a difference it indicates the third son. ;; Small pinchers for curling the hair.
Mulley : Alt. of Moolley ;; Alt. of Moolley
Mulligatawny : See Mullagatawny.
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