Vocabulary : Muriform to Murmuration
Muriform : Resembling courses of bricks or stones in squareness and regular arrangement; as, a muriform variety of cellular tissue.
Murine : Pertaining to a family of rodents (Muridae), of which the mouse is the type. ;; One of a tribe of rodents, of which the mouse is the type.
Muringer : See Murenger.
Murk : Dark; murky. ;; Darkness; mirk. ;; The refuse of fruit, after the juice has been expressed; marc.
Murkily : Darkly; gloomily.
Murkiness : The state of being murky.
Murky : Dark; obscure; gloomy.
Murlins : A seaweed. See Baddrelocks.
Murmur : A low, confused, and indistinct sound, like that of running water. ;; A complaint half suppressed, or uttered in a low, muttering voice. ;; To make a low continued noise, like the hum of bees, a stream of water, distant waves, or the wind in a forest. ;; To utter complaints in a low, half-articulated voice; to feel or express dissatisfaction or discontent; to grumble; -- often with at or against. ;; To utter or give forth in low or indistinct words or sounds; as, to murmur tales.
Murmuration : The act of murmuring; a murmur.
: Murmured, Murmurer, Murmuring, Murmurous, Murnival, Murphy, Murr, Murrain, Murrayin, Murre
: Muriate, Muriated, Muriatic, Muriatiferous, Muricate, Muricated, Murices, Muricoid, Muriculate, Muride
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary