Vocabulary : Murmured to Murre

Murmured : of Murmur
Murmurer : One who murmurs.
Murmuring : of Murmur ;; Uttering murmurs; making low sounds; complaining.
Murmurous : Attended with murmurs; exciting murmurs or complaint; murmuring.
Murnival : In the game of gleek, four cards of the same value, as four aces or four kings; hence, four of anything.
Murphy : A potato.
Murr : A catarrh.
Murrain : An infectious and fatal disease among cattle. ;; Having, or afflicted with, murrain.
Murrayin : A glucoside found in the flowers of a plant (Murraya exotica) of South Asia, and extracted as a white amorphous slightly bitter substance.
Murre : Any one of several species of sea birds of the genus Uria, or Catarractes; a guillemot.
Next : Murrelet, Murrey, Murrhine, Murrion, Murry, Murth, Murther, Murtherer, Murza, Mus
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