Vocabulary : Musa to Muscadine
Musa : A genus of perennial, herbaceous, endogenous plants of great size, including the banana (Musa sapientum), the plantain (M. paradisiaca of Linnaeus, but probably not a distinct species), the Abyssinian (M. Ensete), the Philippine Island (M. textilis, which yields Manila hemp), and about eighteen other species. See Illust. of Banana and Plantain.
Musaceous : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, plants of the genus Musa.
Musae : of Musa
Musal : Of or pertaining to the Muses, or to Poetry.
Musang : A small animal of Java (Paradoxirus fasciatus), allied to the civets. It swallows, but does not digest, large quantities of ripe coffee berries, thus serving to disseminate the coffee plant; hence it is called also coffee rat.
Musar : An itinerant player on the musette, an instrument formerly common in Europe.
Musard : A dreamer; an absent-minded person.
Musca : A genus of dipterous insects, including the common house fly, and numerous allied species. ;; A small constellation situated between the Southern Cross and the Pole.
Muscadel : See Muscatel, n.
Muscadine : A name given to several very different kinds of grapes, but in America used chiefly for the scuppernong, or southern fox grape, which is said to be the parent stock of the Catawba. See Grapevine. ;; A fragrant and delicious pear. ;; See Muscardin.
: Muscae, Muscales, Muscallonge, Muscardin, Muscardine, Muscariform, Muscarin, Muscat, Muscatel, Muschelkalk
: Murrelet, Murrey, Murrhine, Murrion, Murry, Murth, Murther, Murtherer, Murza, Mus
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary