Vocabulary : Muscae to Muschelkalk
Muscae : of Musca
Muscales : An old name for mosses in the widest sense, including the true mosses and also hepaticae and sphagna.
Muscallonge : See Muskellunge.
Muscardin : The common European dormouse; -- so named from its odor.
Muscardine : A disease which is very destructive to silkworms, and which sometimes extends to other insects. It is attended by the development of a fungus (provisionally called Botrytis bassiana). Also, the fungus itself.
Muscariform : Having the form of a brush.
Muscarin : A solid crystalline substance, C5H13NO2, found in the toadstool (Agaricus muscarius), and in putrid fish. It is a typical ptomaine, and a violent poison.
Muscat : A name given to several varieties of Old World grapes, differing in color, size, etc., but all having a somewhat musky flavor. The muscat of Alexandria is a large oval grape of a pale amber color.
Muscatel : Of, pertaining to, or designating, or derived from, a muscat grapes or similar grapes; a muscatel grapes; muscatel wine, etc. ;; A common name for several varieties of rich sweet wine, made in Italy, Spain, and France. ;; Finest raisins, dried on the vine; "sun raisins."
Muschelkalk : A kind of shell limestone, whose strata form the middle one of the three divisions of the Triassic formation in Germany. See Chart, under Geology.
: Musci, Muscicapine, Muscid, Musciform, Muscle, Muscle reading, Muscled, Muscling, Muscogees, Muscoid
: Musa, Musaceous, Musae, Musal, Musang, Musar, Musard, Musca, Muscadel, Muscadine
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary