Vocabulary : Musci to Muscoid

Musci : An order or subclass of cryptogamous plants; the mosses. See Moss, and Cryptogamia.
Muscicapine : Of or pertaining to the Muscicapidae, a family of birds that includes the true flycatchers.
Muscid : Any fly of the genus Musca, or family Muscidae.
Musciform : Having the form or structure of flies of the genus Musca, or family Muscidae. ;; Having the appearance or form of a moss.
Muscle : An organ which, by its contraction, produces motion. ;; The contractile tissue of which muscles are largely made up. ;; Muscular strength or development; as, to show one's muscle by lifting a heavy weight. ;; See Mussel.
Muscle reading : The art of making discriminations between objects of choice, of discovering the whereabouts of hidden objects, etc., by inference from the involuntary movements of one whose hand the reader holds or with whom he is otherwise in muscular contact.
Muscled : Furnished with muscles; having muscles; as, things well muscled.
Muscling : Exhibition or representation of the muscles.
Muscogees : See Muskogees.
Muscoid : Mosslike; resembling moss. ;; A term formerly applied to any mosslike flowerless plant, with a distinct stem, and often with leaves, but without any vascular system.
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