Vocabulary : Neocosmic to Neogrammarian
Neocosmic : Of or pertaining to the universe in its present state; specifically, pertaining to the races of men known to history.
Neocracy : Government by new or inexperienced hands; upstart rule; raw or untried officials.
Neocriticism : The form of Neo-Kantianism developed by French idealists, following C. Renouvier. It rejects the noumena of Kant, restricting knowledge to phenomena as constituted by a priori categories.
Neodamode : In ancient Sparta, one of those Helots who were freed by the state in reward for military service.
Neo-Darwinism : The theory which holds natural selection, as explained by Darwin, to be the chief factor in the evolution of plants and animals, and denies the inheritance of acquired characters; -- esp. opposed to Neo-Lamarckism. Weismannism is an example of extreme Neo-Darwinism.
Neodymium : An elementary substance which forms one of the constituents of didymium. Symbol Nd. Atomic weight 140.8. ;; A rare metallic element occurring in combination with cerium, lanthanum, and other rare metals, and forming amethyst-colored salts. It was separated in 1885 by von Welsbach from praseodymium, the two having previously been regarded as a single element (didymium). It is chiefly trivalent. Symbol Nd; at. wt. 144.3.
Neogaean : Of or pertaining to the New World, or Western Hemisphere.
Neogamist : A person recently married.
Neogen : An alloy resembling silver, and consisting chiefly of copper, zinc, and nickel, with small proportions of tin, aluminium, and bismuth.
Neogrammarian : One of a group of philologists who apply phonetic laws more widely and strictly than was formerly done, and who maintain that these laws admit of no real exceptions.
: Neography, Neo-Greek, Neo-Hebraic, Neo-Hegelian, Neo-Hegelianism, Neo-Hellenic, Neo-Hellenism, Neoimpressionism, Neo-Kantian, Neo-Kantianism
: Nemthelminthes, Nenia, Nenuphar, Neo-, Neocarida, Neocene, Neo-Christianity, Neoclassic, Neoclassic architecture, Neocomian
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary