Vocabulary : Neography to Neo-Kantianism
Neography : A new method or system of writing.
Neo-Greek : A member of a body of French painters (F. les neo-Grecs) of the middle 19th century. The term is rather one applied by outsiders to certain artists of grave and refined style, such as Hamon and Aubert, than a name adopted by the artists themselves.
Neo-Hebraic : Of, pert. to, or designating, modern Hebrew, or Hebrew of later date than the Biblical. ;; The modern Hebrew language.
Neo-Hegelian : Of or pertaining to Neo-Hegelianism. ;; An adherent of Neo-Hegelianism.
Neo-Hegelianism : The philosophy of a school of British and American idealists who follow Hegel in dialectical or logical method and in the general outcome of their doctrine. The founders and leaders of Neo-Hegelianism include: in England, T. H. Green (1836-1882); in Scotland, J. (1820-98) and E. (1835-1908) Caird; in the United States, W. T. Harris (1835-1909) and Josiah Royce (1855- -).
Neo-Hellenic : Same as Romaic.
Neo-Hellenism : Hellenism as surviving or revival in modern times; the practice or pursuit of ancient Greek ideals in modern life, art, or literature, as in the Renaissance.
Neoimpressionism : A theory or practice which is a further development, on more rigorously scientific lines, of the theory and practice of Impressionism, originated by George Seurat (1859-91), and carried on by Paul Signac (1863- -) and others. Its method is marked by the laying of pure primary colors in minute dots upon a white ground, any given line being produced by a variation in the proportionate quantity of the primary colors employed. This method is also known as Pointillism (stippling).
Neo-Kantian : Of or pertaining to Neo-Kantianism. ;; An adherent of Neo-Kantianism.
Neo-Kantianism : The philosophy of modern thinkers who follow Kant in his general theory of knowledge, esp. of a group of German philosophers including F. A. Lange, H. Cohen, Paul Natorp, and others.
: Neo-Lamarckism, Neo-Latin, Neolithic, Neologian, Neologianism, Neologic, Neological, Neologically, Neologism, Neologist
: Neocosmic, Neocracy, Neocriticism, Neodamode, Neo-Darwinism, Neodymium, Neogaean, Neogamist, Neogen, Neogrammarian
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