Vocabulary : Purred to Pursefuls
Purred : of Pur
Purree : A yellow coloring matter. See Euxanthin.
Purrificatory : Serving or tending to purify; purificative.
Purring : of Pur
Purrock : See Puddock, and Parrock.
Purrulence : Alt. of Purulency
Purse : A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to carry money in; by extension, any receptacle for money carried on the person; a wallet; a pocketbook; a portemonnaie. ;; Hence, a treasury; finances; as, the public purse. ;; A sum of money offered as a prize, or collected as a present; as, to win the purse; to make up a purse. ;; A specific sum of money ;; In Turkey, the sum of 500 piasters. ;; In Persia, the sum of 50 tomans. ;; To put into a purse. ;; To draw up or contract into folds or wrinkles, like the mouth of a purse; to pucker; to knit. ;; To steal purses; to rob.
Pursed : of Purse
Purseful : All that is, or can be, contained in a purse; enough to fill a purse.
Pursefuls : of Purseful
: Purse-proud, Purser, Pursership, Purset, Pursiness, Pursing, Pursive, Pursiveness, Purslain, Purslane
: Purpurate, Purpure, Purpureal, Purpureo-, Purpuric, Purpurin, Purpuriparous, Purpurogenous, Purr, Purre
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary