Vocabulary : Purse-proud to Purslane

Purse-proud : Affected with purse pride; puffed up with the possession of riches.
Purser : A commissioned officer in the navy who had charge of the provisions, clothing, and public moneys on shipboard; -- now called paymaster. ;; A clerk on steam passenger vessels whose duty it is to keep the accounts of the vessels, such as the receipt of freight, tickets, etc. ;; Colloquially, any paymaster or cashier.
Pursership : The office of purser.
Purset : A purse or purse net.
Pursiness : State of being pursy.
Pursing : of Purse
Pursive : Pursy.
Pursiveness : Pursiness.
Purslain : Same as Purslane.
Purslane : An annual plant (Portulaca oleracea), with fleshy, succulent, obovate leaves, sometimes used as a pot herb and for salads, garnishing, and pickling.
Next : Pursuable, Pursual, Pursuance, Pursuant, Pursuantly, Pursue, Pursued, Pursuer, Pursuing, Pursuit
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