Vocabulary : Putrification to Putter-on

Putrification : Putrefaction.
Putrify : To putrefy.
Putrilage : That which is undergoing putrefaction; the products of putrefaction.
Putry : Putrid. ;; Putage.
Putt : A stroke made on the putting green to play the ball into a hole. ;; To make a putt.
Puttee : Same as Putty, a kind of gaiter.
Putter : A club with a short shaft and either a wooden or a metal head, used in putting. ;; One who putts. ;; One who puts or plates. ;; Specifically, one who pushes the small wagons in a coal mine, and the like. ;; To act inefficiently or idly; to trifle; to potter.
Puttered : of Putter
Puttering : of Putter
Putter-on : An instigator.
Next : Puttied, Puttier, Putties, Putting, Putting green, Puttock, Putty, Putty-faced, Puttying, Puttyroot
Previous : Putrefying, Putresce, Putrescence, Putrescent, Putrescible, Putrescin, Putrid, Putridity, Putridness, Putrifacted
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