Vocabulary : Puttied to Puttyroot

Puttied : of Putty
Puttier : One who putties; a glazier.
Putties : of Putty
Putting : of Put ;; The throwing of a heavy stone, shot, etc., with the hand raised or extended from the shoulder; -- originally, a Scottish game.
Putting green : The green, or plot of smooth turf, surrounding a hole.
Puttock : The European kite. ;; The buzzard. ;; The marsh harrier. ;; See Futtock.
Putty : A ball made of composition and not gutta percha. ;; A kind of gaiter of waterproof cloth wrapped around the leg, used by soldiers, etc. ;; A kind of thick paste or cement compounded of whiting, or soft carbonate of lime, and linseed oil, when applied beaten or kneaded to the consistence of dough, -- used in fastening glass in sashes, stopping crevices, and for similar purposes. ;; To cement, or stop, with putty.
Putty-faced : White-faced; -- used contemptuously.
Puttying : of Putty
Puttyroot : An American orchidaceous plant (Aplectrum hyemale) which flowers in early summer. Its slender naked rootstock produces each year a solid corm, filled with exceedingly glutinous matter, which sends up later a single large oval evergreen plaited leaf. Called also Adam-and-Eve.
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