Vocabulary : Pylangia to Pyocyanin

Pylangia : of Pylangium
Pylangium : The first and undivided part of the aortic trunk in the amphibian heart.
Pylas : of Pyla
Pylon : A tower, commonly of steelwork, for supporting either end of a wire, as for a telegraph line, over a long span. ;; Formerly, a starting derrick (the use of which is now abandoned) for an aeroplane. ;; A post, tower, or the like, as on an aerodrome, or flying ground, serving to bound or mark a prescribed course of flight. ;; A low tower, having a truncated pyramidal form, and flanking an ancient Egyptian gateway. ;; An Egyptian gateway to a large building (with or without flanking towers).
Pylori : of Pylorus
Pyloric : Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pylorus; as, the pyloric end of the stomach.
Pylorus : The opening from the stomach into the intestine. ;; A posterior division of the stomach in some invertebrates.
Pyne : See Pine.
Pynoun : A pennant.
Pyocyanin : A blue coloring matter found in the pus from old sores, supposed to be formed through the agency of a species of bacterium (Bacillus pyocyaneus).
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