Vocabulary : Pyogenic to Pyramid
Pyogenic : Producing or generating pus.
Pyoid : Of or pertaining to pus; of the nature of, or like, pus.
Pyopneumothorax : Accumulation of air, or other gas, and of pus, in the pleural cavity.
Pyot : The magpie. See Piet.
Pyoxanthose : A greenish yellow crystalline coloring matter found with pyocyanin in pus.
Pyr- : Combining forms designating fire or heat; specifically (Chem.), used to imply an actual or theoretical derivative by the action of heat; as in pyrophosphoric, pyrosulphuric, pyrotartaric, pyrotungstic, etc.
Pyracanth : The evergreen thorn (Crataegus Pyracantha), a shrub native of Europe.
Pyral : Of or pertaining to a pyre.
Pyralid : Any moth of the family Pyralidae. The species are numerous and mostly small, but some of them are very injurious, as the bee moth, meal moth, hop moth, and clover moth.
Pyramid : To enlarge one's holding or interest in a series of operations on a continued rise or decline by using the profits to buy or sell additional amounts on a margin, as where one buys on a 10% margin 100 shares of stock quoted at 100, holds it till it rises to 105, and then uses the paper profit to buy 50 shares more, etc. The series of operations constitutes a pyramid. ;; To use, or to deal in, in a pyramiding transaction. See Pyramid, v. i. ;; The series of operations involved in pyramiding. See Pyramid, v. i. ;; A solid body standing on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, and terminating in a point at the top; especially, a structure or edifice of this shape. ;; A solid figure contained by a plane rectilineal figure as base and several triangles which have a common vertex and whose bases are sides of the base. ;; The game of pool in which the balls are placed in the form of a triangle at spot.
: Pyramidal, Pyramidally, Pyramides, Pyramidia, Pyramidic, Pyramidical, Pyramidion, Pyramidoid, Pyramis, Pyramoid
: Pylangia, Pylangium, Pylas, Pylon, Pylori, Pyloric, Pylorus, Pyne, Pynoun, Pyocyanin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary