Vocabulary : Pyrosulphate to Pyrotechnist
Pyrosulphate : A salt of pyrosulphuric acid.
Pyrosulphuric : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also disulphuric acid) obtained by distillation of certain sulphates, as a colorless, thick, oily liquid, H2S2O7 resembling sulphuric acid. It is used in the solution of indigo, in the manufacture of alizarin, and in dehydration.
Pyrotartaric : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained as a white crystalline substance by the distillation of tartaric acid.
Pyrotartrate : A salt of pyrotartaric acid.
Pyrotechnian : A pyrotechnist.
Pyrotechnic : Alt. of Pyrotechnical
Pyrotechnical : Of or pertaining to fireworks, or the art of forming them.
Pyrotechnician : A pyrotechnist.
Pyrotechnics : The art of making fireworks; the manufacture and use of fireworks; pyrotechny.
Pyrotechnist : One skilled in pyrotechny; one who manufactures fireworks.
: Pyrotechny, Pyrothonide, Pyrotic, Pyrotritartaric, Pyrotungstic, Pyrouric, Pyrovanadic, Pyroxanthin, Pyroxene, Pyroxenic
: Pyrophoric, Pyrophorous, Pyrophorus, Pyrophosphate, Pyrophosphoric, Pyrophyllite, Pyroscope, Pyrosis, Pyrosmalite, Pyrosome
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary