Vocabulary : Pyrotechny to Pyroxenic

Pyrotechny : The use and application of fire in science and the arts. ;; Same as Pyrotechnics.
Pyrothonide : A kind of empyreumatic oil produced by the combustion of textures of hemp, linen, or cotton in a copper vessel, -- formerly used as a remedial agent.
Pyrotic : Caustic. See Caustic. ;; A caustic medicine.
Pyrotritartaric : Designating an acid which is more commonly called uric acid.
Pyrotungstic : Polytungstic. See Metatungstic.
Pyrouric : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid now called cyanuric acid. See Cyanuric.
Pyrovanadic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of vanadium, analogous to pyrophosphoric acid.
Pyroxanthin : A yellow crystalline hydrocardon extracted from crude wood spirit; -- called also eblanin.
Pyroxene : A common mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, with a prismatic angle of nearly 90, and also in massive forms which are often laminated. It varies in color from white to dark green and black, and includes many varieties differing in color and composition, as diopside, malacolite, salite, coccolite, augite, etc. They are all silicates of lime and magnesia with sometimes alumina and iron. Pyroxene is an essential constituent of many rocks, especially basic igneous rocks, as basalt, gabbro, etc.
Pyroxenic : Containing pyroxene; composed chiefly of pyroxene.
Next : Pyroxenite, Pyroxylic, Pyroxylin, Pyrrhic, Pyrrhicist, Pyrrhonean, Pyrrhonic, Pyrrhonism, Pyrrhonist, Pyrrhotine
Previous : Pyrosulphate, Pyrosulphuric, Pyrotartaric, Pyrotartrate, Pyrotechnian, Pyrotechnic, Pyrotechnical, Pyrotechnician, Pyrotechnics, Pyrotechnist
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